
关于 Research Debt 和 Research Distillation

Posted on By Marquis


在知乎上看到了 http://distill.pub/ 这个东西。貌似是colah他们搞的,话说colah的博客好久没追了……

总结一下 这篇 Research Debt 的阅读笔记吧!


Achieving a research-level understanding of most topics is like climbing a mountain.

我们必须得去理解很多困难的topic,to learn techniques, and to gain intuition.

后人爬到山顶的时候,又在上面加了好多石头,making it a little taller for whoever comes next.


the climb could be massively easier. It’s entirely possible to build paths and staircases into these mountains.1 The climb isn’t something to be proud of.

The Debt

Debt很难解释,记住它的特性就行了:easy to accumulate but hard to get rid of

Research 的 debt可以有很多形式:

  • Poor Exposition
    即, 人们一般认为important ideas理解难是应该的,其实不然,important ideas可以被更容易地理解
  • Undigested Ideas
    咋polish: developing the right analogies, language, and ways of thinking.
  • Bad abstractions and notation
  • Noise
    Countless papers scream for your attention and there’s no easy way to filter or summarize them

Clear Thinking

Developing good abstractions, notations, visualizations, and so forth, is improving the user interfaces for ideas.


实际上, if we can’t explain an idea well, 这就意味着我们没有好好理解它

Research Distillation

Research Distillation 和 Research Debt 相反。

good explanations often involve transforming the idea. This kind of refinement of an idea can take just as much effort and deep understanding as the initial discovery.