
Deep Unsupervised Similarity Learning using Partially Ordered Sets

Posted on By Marquis


主题:基于CNN的无监督approach to similarity learning

方法:framing it as a combination of surrogate classification tasks and poset ordering,使之成为 joint optimization problem of grouping samples into surrogate classes while learning the deep similarity encoding representation.

应用场景:learning fine-grained similarity relationships in the context of human pose estimation and object classification


Deep learning of similarities 的常用方法就是基于pairs or triplets of samples来搞,很明显这种方法不太好(记得以前有篇文章说这种pair的方法学习到的是local structure)。

先搞一些local estimates of reliable (dis-)similarities to initially group samples into compact surrogate classes,然后利用sample的局部partial order将各个class联系到一起。
这样,Similarity learning就formulated as a partial ordering task 。
最后,利用 self-supervision 的策略,训练一个CNN,


用无监督的理由: supervised labeling of similarities is very costly. 并且,不仅image之间的similarities很重要,objects and their parts的关系也很重要

为了利用无监督数据的信息,我们需要利用images video的上下文信息,以期能够self-supervision。 但这些上下文信息太local了,因此,以往的approach都要利用能够order一个正样本和一个负样本的loss function。
然后用CNN to indirectly learn comparisons between samples that were processed in independent training batches, and generalize to unseen data.

注意,这些CNN在训练时都是indirectly balance and learn sample comparisons,当然,更加natural approach就是 explicitly encode richer relationships between samples as supervision.

详细来说,就是先用一些 初始的弱的表示 weak initial representation (e.g standard features such as HOG) 进行聚类,每个cluster一个label,这时候就可以 训练CNN来对这些样本进行分类了

  1. 由于初始的representation很弱,好多样本难以分类,即既不互相相似,也不互相不相似。导致这些样本在训练的时候没法用。
  2. 由于类的discrete nature,分类问题产生的similarity非常 coarse。
  3. 由于不同的分类任务不是一块儿优化的,导致产生互相矛盾的relationship。


  1. 依然采用surrogate (i.e. artificially created) classification tasks模式
  2. 将分类任务和partial ordering of samples联系起来,这样即使那些没法分类的样本也能用以训练了。
  3. 显示地在given representation space优化similarity,而非直接使用用来分类的CNN的某一个中间层间接学习到的的representation space。
  4. 联合优化surrogate classification tasks for similarity learning and the underlying grouping in a recurrent framework which is end-to-end trainable.

有了CNN之后,用pairs [39], or triplets [32] of images来搞supervised similarity的有很多。不管有监督与否,都得要求 supervisory information scales quadratically for pairs of images, or cubically for triplets.

对应的无监督approach就是搞一个surrogate (i.e. an artificial) classification task either by utilizing heavy data augmentation [6] or by clustering based
on initial weak estimates of similarities [3, 15].

similarity learning 也从 the perspective of metric learning来研究过,即当成一个cross-entropy based classification problem in which all pairwise neighbouring samples are pulled together while nonneighbouring samples are pushed away.
就是computational cost有点高。


Grouping以构建surrogate class

使用经典的特征距离,HOG-LDA,搞出来compact groups of samples。

尽管这个HOG-LDA不能将所有sample都relate到一起,它还是可以找到最近和最远的neighbor的。这样,对于一个anchor sample $x_i$, 只要找出和它最近的 top $5%$ 就行啦。
好了这些class很compact,但大小不一,可能还有重叠。 作者将重叠的class给merge掉。
将分到 class $c$ 的点集记为 $C_c$, 且分到一个label, 将不属于任何class的点的label记为 $-1$.

构建Partially Ordered Sets

a poset $P_c$ is a set of samples which are softly assigned to class $C_c$.
这样,每一个 class $C_c$ 都有一个对应的 $P_c$。
当然,作者给 $P_c$ 里的sample定义了一个顺序,即对于 $x_j \in P_c, x_k \in P_C$.
如果 $x_j$ 到 $C_c$ 的 representative sample $\bar{x}_c$ 的距离都小于 $x_k$, 那么我们就说 $x_j < x_k$.

在此处note一下,作者指出,以往的 tuple 或 triplet相当于本文的 $C_c$ 只含有一个sample,而 $P_c$ 有 一个或两个sample的情况,这样就说rely on the CNN to indirectly learn to compare and reconcile the vast number of unrelated sampled pairs that were processed on different, independent mini-batches during training.
相比之下,本文的posets, explicitly encode an ordering between a large number of sample pairs (i.e pairs consisting of an unlabeled sample and its nearest class representative).
也就是说,poset强迫CNN去order all unlabeled samples,根据它们和 $z$ 个最近的class representatives的相似度。

Posets generalize tuple and triplet formulations by encoding similarity relationships between unlabeled samples to make a decision whether to move closer to a surrogate class.

Objective function


  1. 惩罚样本 $x_i$ 相对于 surrogate class label的误分类。
  2. 将属于 poset $P_c$ 和距离 $P_c$ 最近的(前 $Z$ 个) class representatives pull 到一起,和其它 class representatives push出去。将距离所有surrogate classes都比较远的similarity从loss中vanish。

surrogate classification loss 和 poset loss

Joint Optimization

在这里,grouping and similarity learning tasks是互相依赖的。

而我们学习到的representation $\phi^\theta$, 则captures similarity relationships, and an assignment of samples to surrogate classes $y$.

A natural way to model such dependence in variables is to use a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)。

作者利用了一个a recurrent optimization technique. 联合学习 ${y; \theta}$,by unrolling the optimization into steps,后边的具体式子就看不懂了。