
Densely Connected Convolutional Networks

Posted on By Marquis


基于一个intuition:layer之间的short connection越多,越好训练

传统的CNN,如果有 $L$ layers,那么总共就有 $L$ 个connections
本文的network有 $L(L+1)/2$ 个direct connections。



作者举例,很多CNN,如ResNets,Highway Networks,FractalNets都有共同特点:they
create short paths from early layers to later layers.

本文利用上面的insight实现了一个网络结构,以实现maximum information flow between layers in the network。

A possibly counter-intuitive effect of this dense connectivity pattern is that it requires fewer parameters than traditional convolutional networks, as there is no need to relearn redundant feature-maps.

Besides better parameter efficiency, one big advantage of DenseNets is their improved flow of information and gradients throughout the network, which makes them easy to train.